Quickstart Guide
Greyhawk is the original campaign setting created by Gary Gygax and the co-creators of Dungeons and Dragons.
Pacing: Games will be played on our Foundry Server and will last 3 about hours twice a month, possibly Thr or Fri 6pm to 9pm, or Saturday mornings or evenings.
Character Creation
System: We have our own SRD, Core 3.6e found here, Core classes, feats, spells, etc the main difference is that advancement slows greatly after 6th level, and spells that mimic skills or abilities have been changed.
3.6e Epic Sixth: variant caps character advancement at level 6; thereafter characters choose the Epic Class Progression or a prestige class that grants a particular ability, feat, or skill at each level. The level cap fixes the "Linear Warriors Quadratic Wizards" problem and is tuned towards exploration and domain level play for long running campaigns.
Old School Rules: We are using a few variants to provide an old school 1e/2e feel appropriate to Greyhawk, such as Old Lore Bards.Method 1: 25 point buy. Calculator here... No unadjusted scores above 14. Every level, including 1st, roll d6 to determine which ability score is increase.
Method 2: Roll 4d6 reroll 1s keep highest 3 (/roll4d6ro<2kh3)
Race: Choose Human, Half-elf, Half-orc, Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, Elf. Bloodlines, detailed below, may manifest later.
Birthright: Decide weather or not to take the optional Blooded Scion feat, see Birthright
Class: Choose one of the core classes below.
Homeland: choose based on your class (see links above) or roll from the table to the right. The black and white shields on the map to the right are clickable.
House Rules: 3.6e Core rules. + playtested variants. Combat feats may not be taken successively, they must be alternated with noncombat feats. Builds are less important this way so everyone's character concept is viable. Finally, be aware of our special rules for Journeys and Councils, lest your character die of exposure or their head ends up on a pike.
Faction (Optional)
Factions are an important way of connecting your character to the game world and introduce a story-based element that allows players to take the campaign in exciting new directions.
At 1st level, each character gets 1 relationship point. Each point represents one d6 to be used when trying to leverage your connection to the faction. All players roll their relationship dice at the start of each session, and everybody sees the results. By the end of the session, each 6 or 5 should contribute to the story somehow, either at the GM’s or player’s initiative.
A Dark Age of Superstition
The Dark One, Tharizdun, The Great Shadow, rises, and The Mortal World has grown more closely aligned with Shadowfell. There are no known Divination spells above 0 level, although there are a few incantations and rituals that may provide uncertain answers. There are no known spells that affect travel or movement. Some Transmuters have unlocked secrets that blur the line between alchemy and magic. Those who practice the Dark Arts of Necromancy have seen their powers grow as they command hordes of undead and strive to unlock secrets previously unattainable by mortals.
See our d20e6 SRD for more information.