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Created for Gamemasters, Authors, TTRPG Players and all Worldbuilding Creatives
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The last 100 recently updated worlds under the genre
In the Universals, Masks was a game where a giant robot is smashing down Main Street. Your best friend tried to kiss you. Your mom thinks your grades need work. Your mentor thinks your team is bringing you down. Oh, and your costume is ripped. Just a...
Superheroic Young Adult (YA)
This world seems familiar, but the fantastic abounds. Twin suns rise and fall each day, and three large moons circle this world of Zihæt. Immense killer storms lash the sea. At night, the bright aurora threads between the moons. Magic powers fantasti...
Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
The world of Tarana and the Crystal Spire campaign setting are built on D&D 5E with the goal of capturing the texture, flavor, themes, and experiences of Celtic mythology, while including aetherpunk/steampunk flavors and aesthetics on top of it all.
Adult 18+ Ancient Clockpunk Comedy Crime
Human colonization of space has been underway for 500 years. Initially, colony ships leaving Tellus/Earth were mostly one-way, until transuranic-powered tachyon supralight drives reconnected the early colonies and unleashed a Second Wave of colonizat...
Science Fiction Space Opera Young Adult (YA)
One day millions of people suddenly disappeared without a trace. Then, seven days later, every single one of them reappeared. Unfortunately none of them had any idea where they were or what happened. They were questioned, scanned tested but there was...
Science Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
A world where both vampires and fae exist alongside the human world. The fae are more known to the human world at large thanks to their attempts to gain equal status, while the vampires are largely unknown except to the humans who work in vampire law...
Alternative History Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Urban Horror Young Adult (YA)
[url:]Demons Drink Coffee is a novel set in the fictional world of Turan and its associated counterpart: the Realms. The author, [url:https://www....
Fantasy Fantasy, High Magic Young Adult (YA)
Sitting in a vast red ocean is an island called Grandel Isle. On top of an immense mountain in the center of this island is one of the portals to one of the Earths. The people of Grandel Isle have been protecting this portal from any enemy that comes...
Willkommen in einer Monsterhearts 2 Welt. Hier befinden sich Charaktere, Orte und Wissenswertes zur 1. Starshore Staffel.
Fantasy, Romantic Romance Young Adult (YA)
Mystery Science Fiction Young Adult (YA)
[youtube:] In Swedish Många tror att magin i Aurin endast existerat i några århundranden men sanningen är att magin har existerat sen tidernas begynnelse...
Fantasy Hard Magic Medieval Young Adult (YA)
Hey! If you're here from Anecdote of Error, just keep in mind that a lot of the articles' info on here is a bit outdated. Sorry about that! (also a very small spoiler warning) The date is set to 1019 Sonel takes place in 1001, Anecdote o...
Fantasy Fantasy, Low Magic Soft Magic Young Adult (YA)
Within each living being is a spark of light. Without this light, no life could exist. Opinions differ on where this spark of light comes from. Some say it was a gift from their gods. Some claim it evolved spontaneously. All of those in possession...
Child Safe Fantasy, Urban Soft Magic Young Adult (YA)
With countries scattered across six continents and one shared trade hub, Jerde is rich in flora, fauna, society, and technology. Although not as advanced nor perhaps as diverse as other planets or realities, it is well known for its Gifteds, humans w...
Fantasy Science Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
When the Hero bound Mahan and cast him from this world, the races forgot the deed to history. But the shadows remember. Hungry for blood and vengeance, they move unseen, twisting hearts and sowing discord. Seeking to free t...
Fantasy Fantasy, High Magic Science Fantasy Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
[quote]Welcome ladies, gents, and beings of all shapes and sizes, to the world of Sylinia. This is a place where magic flows freely and where technology is poised to make a push to the forefront. Get ready to experience adventure, mystery, in...
Fantasy Fantasy, Romantic Science Fiction Young Adult (YA)
A detailed world I can use to help me organize the massive monstrosity that is my high fantasy book series.
Fantasy, High Magic Medieval Young Adult (YA)
Fantasy Fantasy, High Magic Fantasy, Romantic Shenmo Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
[p]Nel mondo di Harlimonnya esiste un isola, Numeria, sede dell'antico Regno Numeriano questo piccolo continente è sopravvissuto ad ogni tipo di catastrofe naturale e guerra interna prima di venir...
Adult 18+ Flintlock Medieval Science Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
Devanmire is an ancient world once covered in darkness and monsters. Humans lived in walled cities and eked out their survival in such small measures. When the gods descended, they drove out the darkness and banished the monsters so that the people...
I want to share the vibrant world I have in my head with others. I want to make it more real, to write it and record it as my memory fails me otherwise. To create a world of beauty, of struggle, of community and craving of goodness. Home of my...
Fantasy, High Magic Soft Magic Young Adult (YA)
Мир, в котором происходят события "Болотных ведьм". Основной фокус - государство на юго-западном побережье континента. Нынешний уровень технологий в нём - на уровне 19 века, плюс магия (водопровод, освещение улиц, трамваи). На известном нам...
Fantasy MagiPunk Young Adult (YA)
What if you knew how things came to be? What if dragons, gods and men are lost toys dropped in a box by a fickle superpower? What if the dirt was magic? What if you were dropped in this world with no context and no way home? Era'guya is a world wh...
Adult 18+ Alternative History Ancient Atompunk Biopunk
[p][/p][p]The world of Issolum is a medieval world in harmony with magic both practical and fantastical - with just a hint of technology to boot.[/p][p][/p] This is a land where dragons exist, fey creatures roam freely, and nearly everyone born of t...
Alternative History Fantasy, High Magic Fantasy, Urban Medieval Young Adult (YA)
The world of Taeva is a [url:]Knight/Nobleglow fantasy setting for a potential novel. Magic has played a major role in the history of the world, from the distant pas...
Exploration Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
[url:]Click Here for Audio Introduction! Ambient sounds courtesy of [url:https://...
Fantasy Fantasy, Dark Science Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
In a fictional Galaxy where humans are the strangers that crashed landed. The World of Matter is set in the far future where an experimental propulsion system on four colony ships had a malfunction sending the ships far away into an unknown and un...
Adult 18+ Cyberpunk Science Fiction Space Opera Young Adult (YA)
Myths are the stories a culture tells itself about itself. Classical mythology is a body of stories that developed from proto-Indo-European roots, channeled through Bronze Age Agaean cultures of the Mycenaeans and Minoans, influenced by contact with...
Fantasy Historical Young Adult (YA)
Welcome to Eldoria, a realm where the kingdom of Auroraan reigns supreme, its borders stretching far and wide across verdant plains and mist-shrouded forests. Within the heart of Auroraan's capital city, the royal palace stands as a tes...
Fantasy, High Magic Fantasy, Romantic Medieval Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
Your vision shifts as the magic takes hold of your dream. It draws you through the air; you feel your consciousness spread across the cosmos and you get short sensations and glimpses of many places: You feel it in the air, a slight tingle as a sin...
Exploration Fantasy Science Fantasy Speculative Young Adult (YA)
[quote] It would be fun to have our stories read by the world. That would take a while, sure, but I want them to be something worth sharing. - TheDarkenedRose[/quote] Frantumare is a world where the elements of o...
Exploration Fantasy, High Magic Medieval Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
East-Asian Fantasy Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, High Magic Literature RPG
Mythoversal restores diversity and inclusion to Greek mythology through lost tales of the Theban Cycle and a retold Trojan War. Our goal is to broaden representation, amplify marginalized identities, and rediscover ancient traditions erased by centur...
Ancient Fantasy Informational Supernatural Young Adult (YA)
Fantasy Political Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
Tierd is a planet that orbits a binary system that is made up a White main sequence star and a red dwarf. It is almost 2 times larger than Earth, and has gravity that is 1.5 times heavier than Earth's. The planet 's atmosphere is purple instead of b...
Religious Science Fantasy Steampunk Supernatural Young Adult (YA)
The world of Iwara has been corrupted by undeath. There are people who want to take over and people who are beginning to worship undeath as the true way of life. The gods are very close to the people who inhabit Iwara and are very displeased with wha...
A fantasy realm in which the world is split into two, distinct realms divided by a wall of ancient magic. In Praemetora, exist the Fae. Creatures of longevity and magic who live within two distinct courts. The Seelie and Unseelie. In these courts are...
Fairy tale Fantasy, High Magic Young Adult (YA)
[color:#cc0000]ADVENTURERS WANTED[/color] Do you [color:#993333]Need[/color] a [color:#00ff9900ff99]Fat Purse?[/color] Do you [color:#993333]Crave[/color] [color:#00ff99]Adventure?[/color] Do you [co...
Dystopia Fantasy, Dark Hard Magic MagiPunk Young Adult (YA)
Welcome to the The Spekter Superhero Universe™ (SSU) wiki! [url:]Buy the books!
Science Fiction Science Fiction, Modern Superheroic Urban Young Adult (YA)
Fantasy, Dark Religious Surreal Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
In the process of rebuilding.
Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Urban MagiPunk Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
"Surely you’ll stay to hear of the story, the true story, of this our land of rain and castles?..." The Land of Rain and Castles is a fantasy novel that confronts the traumas of a realm wracked...
Fantasy, Dark MagiPunk Medieval Shenmo Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
Concept This is a world inspire int the setup of super heroes comics, with the humanisation touch of works such as Wachtmen; this World tries to integrates all aspect of human society and history under the label of super heroes, but also...
Alternative History Political Superheroic Young Adult (YA)
Ulyr, a world of wonders and chaos, is a realm shrouded in mystery and intrigue. It is a realm that has experienced a cataclysmic event known as the Revamp, which wiped away the memories and history of its inhabitant's thousands of years ago. Now, Ul...
Fantasy Political Young Adult (YA)
[p]Winterwood is a town that should not exist, a place where time slips through the cracks and the past refuses to stay buried. Pressed between a restless sea and an ancient, whispering forest, it is the kind of town where shadows stretch just a litt...
Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Urban Gothic Mystery Soft Magic
Fantasy Fantasy, Low Magic Political Young Adult (YA)
Comedy Fantasy, High Magic Medieval Weird Young Adult (YA)
What if I told you, everything you knew about the supernatural, was completely correct. Except, there is more of everything. Hybrids? Why not. Magic? Multiple kinds. ignorant humans? Of course. This means there are scarier creatures than the most...
Fantasy, Urban Romance Soft Magic Supernatural Young Adult (YA)
Cyberpunk Medieval Science Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
Welcome to the world of the Skydwellers, where humans and dragons live alongside each the sky, as you might have guessed. With the ability to walk on clouds, they have the whole sky to explore. This is their world, and I am going t...
Fantasy, High Magic Modern Urban Young Adult (YA)
The Earth's lost continent has finally been uncovered... For ages, we were taught that the Earth has seven continents, but there are actually eight. Enter Equexia, home to five nations. Snowy Romatia is steeped in tradition. Falhara is the breadba...
Fantasy Fantasy, Romantic Slice of Life Young Adult (YA)
Fantasy Fantasy, Dark Horror Modern Supernatural
The Colossal Awakening: 530 years ago, the world was shocked when tremors shock the small continent of Fjønrir. Some being felt on other surrounding continents. Four beams of colorful light could be seen from all co...
Fantasy Fantasy, High Magic Literature RPG Mystery Young Adult (YA)
[quote] TBW /* - connect to ToX*/ [/quote] Three years after the wall crumbled to the Kingdom and humans were able to see a vast va...
Exploration Fanfiction Fantasy, Dark Fantasy, Low Magic Young Adult (YA)
Exploration Fantasy Soft Magic Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
[quote] Pertaining to computer networks, an uplink is a connection from data communications equipment toward the network core.[/quote] In the 2020s unmanned terraforming started on Mars. By 2035 the fourth planet could no longer be called the Red...
Post-modern Science Fiction Speculative Urban Young Adult (YA)
Earth is a land that has no meaning to these beings anymore. Many of them disappeared off of the face of it thousands, hundreds of thousands, sometimes even millions of years ago. Humans as we know them do not exist here, however, species of human wh...
Alternative History Science Fantasy Speculative Subversion Young Adult (YA)
Superheroes! (The name of the world to be tweaked eventually.) An optimistic, colorful world where good wins. Eventually. After a lot of work and catastrophe. This guide to the world is written by @[Ruby Gray](person:4b997853-73b4-4294-a12b-5d4c9...
Science Fiction Superheroic Young Adult (YA)
The past, present, and far far future are practically the same in a reality where faster than light travel and incredible technology meets with scientific magic and aliens. The Companies control everything, nothing is private, and a select few people...
Alternative History Ancient Atompunk Biopunk Comedy
A world different from our own. A universe that followed the formation of a square rather than the circle. Across this vast world, there are many creatures, both good and bad. This world is the first of its kind and is the very first Minecraft server...
Fanfiction Fantasy, Dark Religious Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
This continent is loosely oval shaped, with a connecting land bridge that tapers as it reaches a second, smaller land mass to the south. There are a variety of environments and natural barriers that prevent mass movement of people, especially to the...
Exploration Fantasy Fantasy, High Magic Historical Young Adult (YA)
Redemption. Transmogrification. Trash and garbage. Mushrooms. 1980’s sci-fi-fantasy cartoon shows and movies. 1980’s sci-fi and fantasy movies. Pastoral adventure. Far from home. If The Wizard of Oz and Howl’s Moving Castle or Nausicaa had a baby. A...
Exploration Fantasy, High Magic Science Fantasy Slice of Life Young Adult (YA)
This is a world of worlds where adventurers, known as Hefflings, explore the wonders and discover the mysteries of the world of Atharia. [follow:1bbf76e0-478e-4ee8-90d3-5a6c43075e18]
Spanning two continents in the known world, Tamaria and Aberval, Belerion is an epic fantasy world ranging from the largely unchartered Du Kerreswik Hills in the far east and the bustling towns of Aberston nestled against the majestic Bellever Mounta...
Fairy tale Fantasy, Low Magic Supernatural Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
Tiyu Amara has for centuries been a world of intersection. By the actions of The Divinities, its human inhabitants were forced into union with elves from another world, and by the actions of The Mother the elves' paths home were servered. By the acti...
Fantasy Soft Magic Young Adult (YA)
Clockpunk East-Asian Fantasy, High Magic Slice of Life Young Adult (YA)
[p]Join us in a land ravaged by unbound wild magic in the aftermath of a war which nearly destroyed the planet. Only a small subset of humanity has survived, cordoned within the bounds of newly raised mountain range which shields them from t...
Fantasy, Urban Post Apocalyptic Supernatural Young Adult (YA)
Far beyond our galaxy, sitting in the vast emptiness of space, is the star Aleruus, and orbiting this vast star is the planet Arken. There are inhabited planets even beyond that, but this is the planet of which I would tell you. While the inhabita...
Fantasy Fantasy, High Magic Medieval Young Adult (YA)
In the quiet corners of Oklahoma, where the wild woods meet forgotten roads, shadows stir, and old magic lingers. The town of Blackthorn stands at the crossroads of the ordinary and the impossible—where legends are more than stories and folk...
Fantasy Fantasy, Urban Supernatural Young Adult (YA)
Fantasy Fantasy, High Magic Hard Magic Young Adult (YA)
The year is 675 and Kia just wants Tad to repaint their front door to hide the chips in the paint. What she doesn't ask for is everything else that happens.
Dystopia Fantasy Fantasy, Low Magic Young Adult (YA)
To the Readers [quote]The naered are creatures of mist. The aignaoithe are creatures of feather and flame. The war between the two spec...
Fantasy Fantasy, High Magic Science Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
What if Medieval Europe stumbled upon a magic secret that could revolutionise the world as they knew it? What if, once informed of this secret, each ruler tried to keep it away from their rivals? And what if it turned out everybody knew about the s...
Comedy Fantasy Medieval Young Adult (YA)
The faery realm, or land of the hills, is centred round The Fair where everything you could think of is available to trade. Around this are five mounds, which house the courts of faery. @[Sunlight](...
An ever-evolving world that has two dominating subspecies of Homo sapiens: the humans and inhumans.
This world guide will be a comprehensive wiki that provides detailed information on the setting of my fantasy book series. It will include everything from the geography and climate of the world to the history and culture of the people who live there....
Fairy tale Historical Soft Magic Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
Welcome to Ashnuw... ...a land created by Christian Live Action Roleplay (C-LARP). We're a group of passionate roleplayers, nerds, writers--you name it--who love to use our God-given and Christ-redeemed gift of imagination. Together, we h...
Fantasy Medieval Speculative Young Adult (YA)
Welcome to the dedicated website for Love Grows in Honest Places, a novel series of world of love, acceptance, and equality. Love Grows in Honest Places is an LGBT-focused fictional world that highlights the coming out and coming-of-age journeys of g...
Modern Romance Slice of Life Young Adult (YA)
An in-progress fantasy world where the two sides of the planet know nothing of the other's existence, separated only by the planet's mysterious rings and a plan that hangs by a thread.
Fantasy, High Magic Solarpunk Young Adult (YA)
Welcome, my dear reader, you may call me...The Writer. I study and research the history of Myvera, the first world. From the beginning of its making, to the gods being banished by their own creation, to the death of the gods.[/p] (I am The...
Deep within the cosmic dreams of Farore, beyond the stellar sea, lies the jewel of the Primordials and the pride of the celestials. The world of Araes. A mortal realm born from the very magic of the soul and shaped by gods and primeval ent...
Fantasy Fantasy, Dark Steampunk Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
Ancient Fantasy Fantasy, Dark Medieval Young Adult (YA)
FOURTEEN hundred years ago, a brilliant geneticist by the name of Dr. Halbert Listae attempted to create a race of protectors for a world full of danger--specifically, the dangers that were engineered in a lab by other scientists such as himself. Th...
Post Apocalyptic Post-modern Young Adult (YA)
[p][follow:57920eea-6a48-4f6c-8650-d31d3ef08a8d][/p] [quote] [p]First came the fire that rained down upon the Ancient World. Then the silence. And finally the New Dawn. I remember that night. The skies were stained red by the fury of the univers...
Fantasy, Low Magic Isekai Post Apocalyptic Science Fantasy Young Adult (YA)
Halcyon, city of the future. Birthplace of superheroes, nexus of strangeness. A legacy yes, but also a foundation. For what, we'll just have to find out.
Fantasy, Urban Science Fiction Superheroic Young Adult (YA)
[p][/p] English: Unfortunately, this Wiki is only available in German! Willkommen in der Welt von Lygea, die zu 100% aus Magie besteht. Auf ihr Leben 6 humanoide Rassen, ein paar Gottheiten und eine Vielzahl anderer Kreaturen, die die Magie, a...
Adult 18+ Exploration Fantasy Fantasy, Dark Young Adult (YA)
Kaitstud is a land of dragons. Currently split between the Bear Clan, Wolf clan, @[Fox clan](article:18...
Exploration Fantasy Soft Magic Supernatural Young Adult (YA)
A world of extremes and nuances where themes of power and ethics are explored. Will you traverse the blazing rivers of the Wyrm Jungle, or the treacherous paths of the Permafrost Flats? Will you try your hand at Voltion and learn the inner worki...
Exploration Fantasy, Dark Hard Magic Medieval Young Adult (YA)
A world with a long and complex history, Itterrea has experienced the rise and fall of nations, the weight of progress and modernization, and the unending battle between spiritual forces in the unseen reality. From the frozen islands of the Northland...
Fantasy Romance Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
Astor-Banthum is a diversly populated peninsula on the planet of Cattura that composes of two main sectors--Astor (the western section) and Banthum (the eastern area). Astor is populated by the Battlemaster Empire and some immigrants from the Call...
Fantasy Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
The Land of Estos comprised of the Six Kingdoms held together under the Emperor of Kaistal were all separate until a few decades ago. Until the Kaistallians in their ever growing need for power and land conquered the Six Kingdoms, but this did not co...
Fantasy Medieval Political Young Adult (YA)
God had enough of humanity and told the 7 archangels to blow their trumpets of angles and completely wipes humanity and all living things and resets the earth. This time he instructs the archangels to begin new life. 2000 years later the gods of...
Alternative History Fantasy Fantasy, Dark Post-modern Young Adult (YA)
[p]The Kintsugi series takes place in the fictional, East Asian country of Saharin. Making the bold assumption that the historical revisions necessary to carve out this area as a sovereign nation did not drastically alter our timeline, all else is pr...
East-Asian Modern Romance Slice of Life Young Adult (YA)
Exploration Fantasy Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
On Earth, in the year 2300, there was a worldwide phenomenon that caused both animals and humans to be born as twins. This phenomenon was first discovered in the animal kingdom. When researching the cause, the scientists discovered that one twin was...
Dystopia Post Apocalyptic Science Fantasy Superheroic Young Adult (YA)
Welcome to the world of Eraikaar. A high fantasy semi-realistic world where your character shall embark upon grand adventures. Perhaps experience the politics of the Senate of Ryjim? Maybe the vast ocean and it's mysteries are more your thing...
Exploration Fantasy Medieval Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
Gundar is a realm of Dragons, Heros, Mystirious cults, Dragonborn clans, Sprawling empires, Ruthless Elves, All-powerful gods, and much, much more.
Fantasy Medieval Sword & Sorcery Young Adult (YA)
A Galaxy of vast expanse and world-defying abilities. Old governments fight and discover new things every day. The story this is for focuses on 24 odd-ones-out finding themselves the only ones on a space station. Humans have escaped their own dyi...
Dystopia Science Fantasy Science Fiction Subversion Weird
왕권의 후계자들 The rise to power is a tale as old as time, and while the divine pantheon has fought wars and survived plots and ploys, it is human nature to not learn from mistakes prior made and to be, unfortunately, mo...
East-Asian Fantasy Historical Political Young Adult (YA)