
In the world of Mortora

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The Kipper's First Flight

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Yazova Silverwisp, an orc, was having a hard time not speeding in Kron's orbital space. Her operation was finally expanding thanks to her husband securing a deal for a cargo ship. Sure she likes her Hemswar Hauler but it can only haul a couple trailers behind and it has no room for a warp drive so she's limited to the gates. The cargo ship however is a Astroresilence MW4! It comes standard with a warp drive and can haul way more inside it. Bonus! They managed to score some jobs and her husband informed her he managed to find some crew members too. There she is! Docked at one of the Kron Orbital Station's cargo ports was the C.S. Kipper. Sure it's not the prettiest ship, it's basically a blocky oval, but it's hers, and it even has star truck docks! So, she doesn't have to leave the Longrunner behind! Speaking of which. she grabs her S.C.V. and says with glee "C.S. Kipper this is Big Green coming into dock the Long Runner" She hears a happy male voice respond "Happy to have you finally boarding Big Green. Welcome home love" Yazova's grin grew even wider as she docked her star truck to her new ship.

She steps through the airlock to be greeted by her husband, a male halfling called Kregin Silverwisp. He gives a little bow and says "Greetings oh towering pillar of love. I, the ever handsome Kregin, do humble request that I be allowed to show you around your new vessel" She says "You sure do know how to make me feel special." he replies "Well you are special so it's easy" She kneels down and hugs him rather tightly saying "gods I missed you" Kregin hugs back "I missed you too." She let's him go and says "now about my tour?" He says "right this way your ladyship." He then shows her around the ship saving their quarters for last. The door slides open as he leads in and says "and this is our quarters. Best spot in the whole ship." She nods "I agree. You did a good job decorating." He asks "So. Since we don't pick up our cargo and crew till tomorrow how about a movie?" She nods picking up and sits down in a chair with him on her lap.

After the movie was over Yazova pulled Kregin in a bit closer. He sighs and asks "What's wrong love?" She shifts a bit and asks "are you sure this is okay?" "Ya. Why wouldn't it be?" "Well I know you had to sell the house to get this ship, and you weren't all that found of space travel preferring to stay in one place. I don't want my dream to..." Kregin manages to wiggle free and put a finger on her lips effectively silencing her as he speaks "Stop. True in general I would rather be on solid ground, but even more than that I'd rather be with you. This let's me do that. So I'd never be in the house anyways. Besides, now when you retire we can pick wherever in the universe to settle. Until then I'm just happy I get to be with you." She kisses him and says "Thank you."

The next day Yazova was doing her daily exercises when she hears a familiar voice say "dam! Do you ever skip a day?" She turns to see one of her oldest friends. The goblin, Shursa Scrapmender. Yazova replies switching to a sitting position "Only when I had to bail you out of a tight spot. What brings you here? I didn't tell you I got this beauty yet." Shursa smirks "Well your hubby decided that a ship like this needs the best mechanic you know keeping it in one piece." Yazova says confused "But I thought you liked your work at Pico's." Shursa scoffs "The work ya but fuck that ugly bastard. You'll be a much better boss. At least you'll give a shit." Yazova grins "Well at least saving your hide will be easier." Shursa rolls her eyes "please I hardly get into that kind of trouble anymore. Well I don't start it anyway. Now if you excuse me I need to check over Kipper before we set off." Shursa heads off as Yazova stands. Well at least she doesn't have to worry about Kipper breaking down any time soon. Yazova went back to her exercises.

When she finishes she heads to the cargo bay to meet Kregin and asks "you hired Shursa huh?" he nods "You did always say she was the best. Our last two should be arriving soon. Genjo will probably be here first though as the he was able to get a more direct route to Kron. Yiqra had to make sure to avoid certain systems." Yazova says "uh...why?" "Abmin" "Ah. Ya I can see why she wouldn't want to travel through some of them on public transportation." Soon a green haired/eyed sarange, who is diffently on the short side for his kind, steps on to the ship and asks "This is the C.S. Kipper right?" Yazova says "Indeed. I am Yazova Silverwisp. I beleive you have already talked to my husband here." The sarange nods "ya. I'm Genjo Nada. I have worked on for a couple of bigger corporations shipping vessels the past few years and hoping a smaller outfit like yours might be better look for" Yazova smiles "I fully plan to treat my workers well Genjo. Now go claim a room. got plenty to choose from." Genjo nods "Yes captain." and heads off.

Yazova says "captain huh?" Kregin smirks "Well this is a starship and your in charge so that does make you a captain" Yazova laughs "Captain Yazova Silverwisp. I kind of like the sound of it. Hun if that ever gets to my head feel free to bring back down to reality" A shadow covers them as a they look up. They see a brown haired forest dridder, lower body being that of a spider while their upper half appears human, towering over them. Kregin says "You must be Yiqra of the Whispergreen." Yiqra shakes her head "Not anymore. Had to leave clan home for job. I am now Yiqra of the Kipper." Yazova asks "So that would make me your chief?" Yiqra nods "Correct. I promise to work hard and to keep our clan safe. Though after we settle I would like to know of our traditions." Yazova rubs the back of her head "We...might need to discover those together." Yiqra cocks her for a bit and says "Ah. New clan. Yes that makes sense." Yazova says "oh but one quick rule would be that our private rooms are effectively the private property of it's occupant as far as I'm concerned. Every one needs their personal space" Yiqra says "I get private room?" Yazova "You bet you do." Kregin said "luckily Astroresilence is pro abmin so they made versions for larger abmin personal. Even got a a couple choices to choose from." Yiqra hits a fist to her a chest and stomps two of her legs to the ground "Ha. Old clan chief say I make big mistake. Not be treated as well by the smaller races. Thanks for proving that new chief may be small but heart is big." Kregin leads Yiqra to the larger rooms. Yazova waits in the cargo bay for the shipment they need to take to the Rucragua Star Kingdom.

After the cargo was loaded Yazova did her last double check then headed for the cockpit. The crew performs flight checks and when ready Yazova turns the ships coms on "Kron Orbital this is Big Green of the C.S. Kipper requesting clearance for departure." She hears a voice respond "You lane is clear Big Green. Have a safe trip." The engines roar to life as the Kipper takes off and heads to the warp gate. Warp gates were fairly simple to use. Just hope in an outbound lane, send the gate you wish to go to, then drive through the gate. Provided both gates are active you'll be shot right to it in no time at all. She flies through it and sees the planet Rucragua. The seat of power for the Rucragua Star Kingdom. When Yazova nears the station she radios "Rucragua Orbital this is Big Green of the C.S. Kipper. Requesting permission to dock to offload some cargo." She hears a gruff voice respond back "Sorry Big Green. Station's docking computers have been on the fritz since yesterday. A temporary cargo port has been established in the planet." She responds back "Understood. I'll alter course then" She alters course and enters one of the tunnels that leads inside the planet and says over intercom "Okay crew. Their station is having issues so we will be heading planet side. Yiqra. Your strength might be needed. I don't know how well they got this temporary port set up." She lands the ship.

She meets her crew in the cargo bay and open's it's doors. As she kind of feared it's a bit more chaotic then she would have liked. Yazova sighs "Great. Kregin hun can you take Genjo and go find the cargo we are supposed to be picking up?" Kregin nods "Sure." Genjo heads off the ship with Kregin "don't worry captain. I have had to deal with Rucragua' s temp sites before. We'll find them" She turns and looks up to Yiqra "The cargo that we picked up before all needs dropped off here. Move the heavier stuff while I move what I can with a hover dolly. Nothing in here should be too heavy for you" Yiqra nods "understood chief" as the two get to work. It doesn't take them long so they take a seat and wait for Kregin and Genjo's return. Yazova took the chance to learn learn more about Yiqra's culture as they looked out towards the city. Eventully Kregin and Genjo return with some Rucragua dock workers which help get the cargo loaded into the ship. After it is loaded Yazova says "All right let's get out of here." They shut the bay doors and take off since they have at least one more stop to make today.

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