
In the world of Mortora

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The Vampire Queen

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Jotaro Zugimato, a male zarange puts down the binoculars he was using to spy on the rather impressive mansion nearby from his crew’s hiding spot. He says “looks like that gala is winding down. Sun will be up soon as well.” An old dwarf, Hatdrec Mudsunder, clutches his crossbow “Good. Not sure I could take being on this world much longer. I swear it’s almost like you can feel fay’s vile presence here.” their third companion, a middle aged female orc named Ozgra grunts "Of course you can. This is the heart of the Vamarian Theocracy. I would quite frankly be concerned if you didn't feel it" Before Hatdrec can reply Jotaro spits out "Knock it off. This is risky enough as it is. we all need to be in sync. if even one of the teams falters this operation may not work" The other two nod then Hatdrec's face scrunches up as if he's thinking about something. Jotaro asks "What is it Hatdrec?" Hatdrec says "Something I just thought of concerns me. Our target is the not only the vampire queen but Fay's Vicar right?" Jotaro nods and Hatdrec continues "Yet not a single sign of a nightmare demon has be seen the whole time we have been planning this. Surely we should have seen something right?" Ozgra shrugs "perhaps the Vicar has just gotten cocky? She is the Vampire Queen so I can see her having just lived so long that she just doesn't see us normal mortals as a threat." Hatdrec nods "perhaps your right. A predator doesn't normally fear their prey." A sound is heard over their coms. Jotaro says "That's the signal. let's move." They head out to infiltrate the mansion.

The three have managed to sneak into one of the larger, but mostly empty, ball rooms of the mansion being careful to avoid the Vampire Queen's servants along the way. While other teams where busy hiding Jotaro's team and one other were quickly yet quietly placing the runes and lines for the magic circle that would be capable of binding even a vampire. Every know and then they would hear steps and all hide but luckily no one came into the room yet to see their work. After using a spell to hid the circle they hide themselves and signaled their infiltrator among the servants to bring the Vampire Queen to the room. 

Jotaro thinks to himself while they wait to spring their ambush. Most here are vampire hunters. People dedicated to wipe out a threat most others aren't really convinced are one, or at least not an orgainzied one if they think they exist at all. Jotaro himself doesn't think all of them are evil but he signed up for a chance to rob perhaps one of the most evil of the gods a pawn. That and he has a debt to pay. He hears the main doors creak open and waits.

From their hiding spots they can see their infiltrator, Mizuki, and the target, the Vicar of the Vamarian Theocracy, Moka Vamira, the single most dangerous vampire to exist. Moka steps into the center of the circle which triggers it! The magic circle and it's runes glow with a fierce white light as she is seemingly frozen in place! The hunters leave their hiding spots in good spirits. They did it! The Vampire Queen is defeated. All that is left to do is place one good shot on the helpless Moka. Hatdrec walks up close and points his crossbow at her heart in point blank range.

Mizuki is still standing as if awaiting command from a master as a single tear rolls down her cheek and says in a calm tone "I'm sorry." Before anyone can react to that in a single instant Hatdrec is suspended in air by Moka, her arm ran right through his heart. Some of the hunters curse and begin to fire on Moka. She speaks calmly as bolts and bullets bounce harmlessly off her "honestly it wasn't a terrible plan. A few thousand years ago it might have even worked. Studied your targets environment and behavior. looked for signs of ascended to ensure they wouldn't interfere. Even used the right materials and circle for dealing with vampires. Rather impressive really considering all the short comings you mortals have. Didn't even get impatient. It just had two flaws. One of which I take great pains to have kept hidden this whole time. Flaw one, I know every single mortal servant I have by name and face. So I spotted Mizuki for who she was and fixed that little issue. The second? well why don't I show you?" Horns begin to protrude from her face, eyes turn red and begin glow, as black skeletal wings erupt from her back. one of the hunters says finally realizing what trick is happening. "By Zelda's grace...She's a Nightmare Demon!" Chains erupt from all over her quickly entrapping and killing the hunters leaving Jotaro and Ozgra as the last ones standing as they forced to watch all their comrades die gruesome deaths as chains rip them all to shreds. They know full well Moka could have done this all before they could blink so she wants them to see every tear and hear every scream yet see know hint of glee or malice on Moka's face. To her this is just a errand.

Shadows seem to draw in towards Moka than rise up forming a war scythe that she grabs. She begins to slowly walk towards them. She says calmly "Yes. let the fear rise. Fay quite enjoys such snacks" She raises her scythe. Jotaro looks at it wondering why he can't get his dam legs to move. Not that it matters though. He can't escape an ascended. A clang rings out through the room. The image in front of him suddenly changes as Moka now has her scythe blocking a blow from an Angel clad in orange colored seemingly plate looking armor and an a magical shield blocking the fist of a pissed off looking Devil with fire for eyes! How? Why?. Ozgra yells "Raziel!?!"

In another flash they are seemingly gone. But Jotaro knows better, they are just fighting at a speed he can't perceive. Finally finding the will to move again they bolt out of the room. They find Moka's servants waiting for them but at least these they can fight. Jotaro fires his revolver as Ozgra gets up close great axe in hand! Jotaro yells out "you know one of them?" Ozgra yells back "Ya! Raziel is a rouge devil and old friend. Not a clue who the angel is though. I'm just happy they seem to be on our side!" she punctuates her sentence by splitting a hostile servant in two. They continue to advance and eventully make it out doors as two craters suddenly appear in the yard. They see the angel and Raziel pick themselves up in what seems like blur but the fact they can see that means they must be running out of steam. In the next instant Moka appears by the entrance her face as stoic as ever. How can she not even be winded after fighting two other ascended? The next moment both Jotaro and Ozgra are flying through the air though it takes a few seconds to process that Raziel and the angel are the ones flying them. Mizuki walks towards Moka having felt her master's wordless call. Mizuki bows "Your not going after them mistress?" Moka responds "No need. Hardly anyone would believe them or the rouges just on their word, and even if they did hiding what I am doesn't really have much of a point these days. Might even better if it's known truth be told. Now clean this place up. I'd rather my siblings didn't see the mess your old comrade's caused." Mizuki looks down ashamed of her inability to resist "of course mistress"

Now in a safe place Raziel growls at Ozgra back in his human form "What the hell were you thinking Ozgra. I told you NOT to do anything reckless!" Ozgra snaps back  "It wasn't reckless! The bitch herself said it would have worked if not for discovering Mizuki and being a damned Nightmare Demon. Besides what do you care! When you went rouge you fucking disappeared." Raziel says "I disappeared to keep you safe! While I doubt Blackrose herself would do anything the other devils would use ANY advantage they could get as leverage. Which would include you if I stuck around! I had to wait first and ensure my mortal form wasn't compromised before seeking you out and earn some damned money cause unlike me YOU need food" Ozgra crosses her arms "You even got a job?" Raziel says "Damit woman of course I do! I work for Jack's Salvage and Trade as security. I was even about to come get you when I found out you went on some fools errand to the heart of the Vamarian Theocracy!" Ozgra scoffs "ya cause I'm just supposed to wait for what might have been another 10 years?" Raziel puts a hand on the bridge of his nose and attempts to calm himself "Look I get this seems like a long time to you. But for ascended like me it's way less than a fraction of the time. I had to ensure that no one was looking for me anymore. If you died I don't know what I would have done with myself." Silence follows for a moment before Ozgra asks "you taking me with this time?" Raziel shrugs "Might as well. Can't be having you do this again." He sighs "Besides Fay's Vicar hardly seems to ever carry a grudge so I doubt she'll look for either of us."

Jotaro and the angel who's armor dissipates revealing a orange haired and eyed woman in military fatigues watch as Raziel and Ozgra yell at each other. Jotaro asks "Think they stop soon?" The angel shrugs "no idea. Not hear for them though. I came to ensure you were safe." Jotaro asks "why?" Neru pulls out an all to familiar ring and hands it to Jotaro. She says "I'm Neru. An old friend of Gabe's. I'm sorry to say he passed on recently." Jotaro's eyes widen "Wait what? Your Neru!?! But. Gabe called you a friend but was forever saddened you didn't come with him. said you called him a heretic and traitor. Didn't you become an avatar though? Why save me?" Neru shows the back of her hand that has the symbol of the hafane burned into it and speaks "I eventully same to side with Gabe's views. As a result I am the very first avatar to ever become hafane or go 'rouge' as you morta...sorry. as most non ascended tend to put it. I found Gabe on a recent mission of mine. He was in a divine waste. Someone got to him though. I managed to show up what must have been not to long after he passed. He was trying to build a home for you both there. Once he found out how to keep the radiation out he thought it would be the last place anyone ever looked for you two. He got pretty far. He said the one thing he regretted was not spending more time with you. Though he was gonna have plenty once his project was done. Didn't want you risking your neck anymore."

Jotaro grips the ring as tears fall from his face. After a moment he asks "Where will I go?" Neru passes a key card to him "Head to Kron. You may make use of my place to grieve. I need to head back to my team. When I return to Kron though I will help where I can. In the mean time my friends will help you if you need it. One of them will even be waiting at the space port for you to show you around." Jotaro asks "How can I thank you?" Neru shakes her head "No need. Gabe was my my friend long before he meet you. I owe him quite a bit so don't worry about it." She shouts over to Raziel "Can you take Jotaro to Kron for me?" Raziel having finished his shouting match with Ozgra nods "Sure. Jack wanted to stop by there any way soon." She turns back to Jotaro. "I will see you again on Kron when I can. Be careful." in a instant she's gone. Ascended can recover quickly too it appears.

As Raziel leads Ozgra and Jotaro on Jotaro asks "Raziel is it?" Raziel nods "I was wondering. How come it seemed like Moka handled both you and Neru so easily? Neru was an avatar right?" Raziel seems to think for a moment "Best I got is a guess if you really want to know" Jotaro nods and Raziel speaks "She for sure was quite a bit stronger and faster than we were. Not insanely so by comparison but it certainly gave her quite the edge over us. Normally even the higher end of ascended wouldn't see that much of a difference. She should have been on Neru's level rather then seemingly above it. She was probably a royal vampire before ascending. Since Fay made both it might have boosted her abilities more than ascending normally does. but I don't exactly have anything to base on past what other nightmare demons I have scrapped with before weren't that tough." Ozgra asks "you two even manage to hit her?' Raziel says "ya that is the infuriating part. If I'm right about her being a royal vampire when ascending it would seem her vampiric regeneration also got dialed up as much as anything else. Every wound we made seemed to seal up just as quickly. Maybe keeping some of that hidden is why her being a Nightmare Demon wasn't public knowledge? Hard to say. Come on we probably shouldn't linger on this world any longer." The three head out putting the day and any plan with ending the Vampire Queen behind them.

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